A complex systemic disease that is associated with skin problems is called psoriasis. The initial stage of the disease does not differ in certain symptoms. Therapeutic therapy gives the best result if it is carried out in a timely manner. Doctors note that in a healthy person, cell death occurs after a month. A psoriasis patient has a reduced skin renewal time, which is several days.

What does the initial stage of psoriasis look like, photo

Despite the fact that the disease is not contagious, patients notice impressive damage to the skin, nails and hair. Red eruptions are clearly visible on the epidermis, initially they are small. After a while, papules, changed areas of a light shade that protrude above the skin, form at the site of inflammation. On their upper part there are silver scales or plaques.
At first, the papules almost do not bother the patient, in rare cases they are characterized by itching and slight peeling. In the initial phase, the affected area does not exceed a few millimeters, in the future the area can be up to 10 cm in size.
Psoriasis can affect different parts of the human body, so it is worth paying attention to the symptoms in different places:
- face. . . The early development of the disease suggests the presence of psoriatic plaques on the skin around the eyes, eyelids and eyebrows. The area of the nasolabial folds can also be severely affected.
In rare cases, the spread of the disease can spread to the lining of the mouth, cheeks, tongue, or lips. Some patients complain that the papules also affected the contour of the lips.
- Hairline. . . Large scaly patches characterized by a large number of scales are found on the entire surface of the head. They resemble scales in appearance. In this case, the hair does not suffer from the disease, the pathology affects only the skin. Patients suffer from itching and are constantly scratching their heads. Often red spots can be seen on the neck and ears.
- hands. . . The palms of the hands and the interdigital space may be covered with individual papules that have a pronounced red color. On the back, the manifestation of the disease occurs very rarely. In the presence of pathology on the fingertips, problems with sensitivity are noted. Psoriasis often affects the nail plate.
- elbow. . . At the onset of the disease, the patient notices individual plaques with silver scales. Gradually, degeneration occurs and a continuous area of the affected skin appears.
Dandruff and a thin film come off easily, after which you can notice a change in color to pink. In some cases, the affected area may bleed.
- legs. . . Most often, the patient's feet and back suffer from psoriasis, the symptoms are absolutely similar to those manifested on the elbows. The symptom of blood thaw in the presence of a solid lesion is also present.
Causes of the disease
Psoriasis is viewed as an abnormal response by the body to external stimuli. It provokes the development of a pathological process, which leads to too rapid renewal of the skin.
Recently, it has been widely recognized that the disease is hereditary. However, it is based not on one type of disease, but on several. The reason for the development of psoriasis can be a failure of metabolic processes, problems in the endocrine system, neurological disorders, weakened immunity. However, it is absolutely certain that the pathology is not contagious.
There are no specific reasons for the onset of the disease, but doctors have theories.

According to this, psoriasis is divided into two types:
- The disease is inherited due to a malfunction in the immune system. A similar form is found in most patients. Diagnosis is usually made at an early age, before the age of 25.
- The disease is not related to immune problems and cannot be inherited. In this case, it occurs after 40 years, the affected area is the nails and joints.
According to doctors, patients with this disease should exclude the consumption of alcohol, sweets, salty and spicy foods. With the normalization of diet, an improvement in the condition of the skin is noted. Extreme heat or cold can also cause a relapse.
Psoriasis is a systemic pathology that can spread not only to the skin or the nail plate. The spine, joints, tendons, endocrine and nervous systems all suffer from the disease. Damage to the thyroid gland, kidneys, and liver is also noted.

Main symptoms of the disease:
- Depression, apathy, depressed state;
- constant fatigue, decreased performance;
- The general condition is weakened.
Due to the fact that there is a complex effect on the body, the pathology was attributed to psoriasis diseases. The main manifestation is associated with damage to the skin, papules of light color grow on the epidermis. The affected area is scaly, itchy, and brings obvious discomfort to the patient.
If the top layer of a papule, an inflamed area is deliberately touched or removed, drops of blood may appear.
Early psoriasis in children, photo
The disease can manifest itself even in a baby, first of all the rash is noted in the folds of the skin. A similar phenomenon is typical for children under 2 years of age. In addition, the pathology often develops in places where contact with diapers is detected. Sometimes the disease is confused with diaper rash, but, on the contrary, in psoriasis, the pathological areas have pronounced boundaries and a lighter color.
Children over 2 years of age already have the same type of papules as adults. Problem areas are characterized by desquamation, pathology often affects the limbs. The scalp is affected at an older age, similar problems can occur in a child after 10 years. From this period, the symptoms are completely similar to the manifestations of psoriasis in adults.
Most cases of psoriasis in a baby occur after they transmit a staph infection.
How to treat
When early-stage psoriasis is detected, the main treatment is not always required. Often specialists limit themselves to preventive measures.

To remove the manifestations of skin diseases, the following techniques are used:
- Cryotherapy is a method of exposure to cold in a pathological area.
- Plasmapheresis - purification of the blood composition;
- Ultraviolet Therapy - The patient is given short-term sessions that are similar to going to a solarium. To achieve greater efficiency, the appointment of special funds (PUVA therapy) is prescribed.
It should be noted that self-treatment with ultraviolet light is prohibited. Due to the fact that the calculation of the dosage may be wrong. After all, a small dose is a medicine, and exceeding it can make the process worse. The same recommendations apply to sunbathing.
Today it is impossible to get rid of the disease completely. According to doctors, the body retains the memory of the transmitted disease, which can manifest itself in the presence of provoking factors. Due to the fact that relapse often occurs unexpectedly, patients need to register with a dermatologist.
Home remedies
If the patient does not have an ongoing process, it is possible to stop the symptoms without the help of official medicine. There are recipes that can get rid of psoriasis when there is an initial degree.
How to overcome the disease using folk recipes:
- To get the balm, you will need 20 chicken eggs from domestic hens. The product is cooked within 15 minutes after boiling. Only the yolk is needed from the egg, it is kneaded into a homogeneous pulp. The finished mass is thoroughly fried in a pan without the addition of oil.
The fire should be low as the yolks will need to simmer for about 45 minutes. The mixture is removed from the stove and pressed through a cheesecloth twice a day, pressed oil lubricates problem areas.
- Papules are treated with freshly made celandine juice. Such manipulation is carried out all summer, it is possible to repeat several seasons.
- To get a complex ointment, you need to take 10 grams of solid oil, 30 grams of fresh honey, 50 grams of birch tar, 10 grams of boric acid and fish oil, as well as protein from a chicken egg. The mixture is stored in a dark place, and the papules are smeared daily.